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[Contrib] [RFC Index] [RFC 2000 - 2099]    RFC 2007: Catalogue of Network Training Materials
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RFC 2007:
Catalogue of Network Training Materials


Network Working Group                                         J. Foster
Request for Comments: 2007                      University of Newcastle
FYI: 29                                                       M. Isaacs
Category: Informational                           University of Glasgow
                                                               M. Prior
                                                 connect.com.au pty ltd
                                                           October 1996

                Catalogue of Network Training Materials

 Produced as a collaborative effort by the Joint IETF/TERENA(RARE)
       Network Training Materials - Working Group (TRAINMAT)

Status of this Memo

   This memo provides information for the Internet community. This memo
   does not specify an Internet standard of any kind. Distribution of
   this memo is unlimited.


   The purpose of this document is to provide a catalogue of quality
   Network Training Materials for use by Internet trainers in training
   their users. By providing such a collection of pointers to useful
   resources, it is hoped that trainers will be relieved of much of the
   load of producing current training materials.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  2
   2.  How the information was collected . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  3
   3.  What is covered?  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  3
   4.  Updating information  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4
   5.  Network Training Materials  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4
       Internet Passport: NorthWestNet's Guide to Our World Online .  5
       The Net: User Guidelines and Netiquette . . . . . . . . . . .  6
       Emily Postnews Answers Your Questions on Netiquette . . . . .  7
       Surfing the Internet  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8
       A Guide to Electronic Mail  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9
       Course Notes and Exercises: Networked Information Services 1:
       Janet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
       SURFnet Guide 94/95 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
       A Cruise of the Internet  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
       Information Sources: the Internet and Computer-Mediated . . .
       Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
       The Whole Internet User's Guide and Catalogue (2nd ed.) . . . 15
       Network Training Pack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
       Janet Hunt  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Foster, et. al.              Informational                      [Page 1]

RFC 2007        Catologue of Network Training Materials     October 1996

       An Introduction to Using the Internet at St. Louis University
       School of Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
       "Where to Start" for New Internet Users . . . . . . . . . . . 19
       Introduction to the Internet II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
       Internet Hunt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
       LIBCAT  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
       A Guide To Internet/Bitnet v.2.0  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
       Network Services on Janet and Internet: A Lunch Time seminar
       for Library Staff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
       SOSIG Documentation and Training Materials  . . . . . . . . . 25
       University of Washington Internet training  . . . . . . . . . 26
       Global Quest Video  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
       Introducing the Internet: A Trainer's Workshop. . . . . . . . 28
       All About Internet FTP: Learning and Teaching to Transfer . .
       Files on the Internet.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
       The Computer Chronicles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
       The Video Guide to the Internet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
       INTERNET, The Video Tape  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
       Crossing the Internet Threshold, 2nd ed.  . . . . . . . . . . 33
       Charm Net's Learning Page: Books, Tutorials, Hint sheets  . . 34
       Internet Training and Tutorials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
       Internet Resources  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
       Network Training Materials Gopher (trainmat)  . . . . . . . . 37
       Computers: Internet: Beginner's Guides  . . . . . . . . . . . 38
       Internet Web Text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
       Using KULeuvenNet and Internet  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
       TONIC: The Online Netskills Interactive Tutorial  . . . . . . 41
   6.  Acknowledgements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
   7.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
   8.  Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
       Appendix A: Network Training Material Template  . . . . . . . 44
       Appendix B: Notes on completing the TrainMat template . . . . 45
       Appendix C: Summary of Related Mailing Lists  . . . . . . . . 54

1. Introduction

   As the range of information and services on the Internet expands, so
   does the potential user population.  Given the significant investment
   in the network and the various networked information and data
   services, it is essential that the broad spectrum of potential users
   are made aware of these services.  In particular they require
   training in using these facilities and in making effective use of the
   tools available for searching for and retrieving information
   available on the global network.

Foster, et. al.              Informational                      [Page 2]

RFC 2007        Catologue of Network Training Materials     October 1996

   The rapid expansion of the user base has made it difficult for
   network trainers to keep up with the demand for training. Librarians,
   Computing Service staff and subject-based Network Support staff all
   have a vital role to play in training users. Easy access to quality
   network training materials and the pooling of resources will help
   spread the load.

   The purpose of this document is to provide a catalogue of quality
   Network Training Materials for use by Internet trainers.  By
   providing such a collection of pointers to useful resources, it is
   hoped that trainers will be relieved of much of the load of producing
   current training materials.  The intention is to make this a "living
   document".  It will be held on-line so that each section may be
   updated separately as appropriate.

2. How the information was collected

   The information contained in this report was collected over the
   network by volunteers from the Trainmat Working Group from the
   contacts for each network training resource using the Trainmat
   template (see Appendix A).  The contents of this template had been
   discussed by the Trainmat WG at its meetings and on the mailing list.
   The decision on whether or not to include an item was made by the
   members of the working group.

3. What is covered?

   This catalogue covers network training materials. These are
   categorised as follows:

   Presentation Material:  including OHP masters, speaker's
                           hand-outs and speaker's notes

   Workshop Exercises:     including workshop hand-outs as well
                           as detailed instructions for
                           undertaking hands-on exercises

   Self-Paced Material:    including online tutorials

   Some material such as selected User Guides, Resource Guides
   and Trainer Guides are of particular use to trainers and
   have been included as appropriate. The resource lists included
   are those assembled for training purposes and those frequently
   used or referred to in training.

   Special Online Collections of training materials are now
   available and a selection of these is included.

Foster, et. al.              Informational                      [Page 3]

RFC 2007        Catologue of Network Training Materials     October 1996

   The full list of Categories used is:

           User Guides
           Resource Guides
           Trainer Guides
           Presentation Material
           Workshop Exercises
           Self-Paced Material
           Online Collections

4. Updating information

   The catalogue is available online. As this will be more up to date
   than the RFC version, the online version should be used as the basis
   for any updates. The WWW version of the document provides a
   mechanism, through an HTML form, to send updates (and new material)
   to the maintainers of this catalogue.

   To access the document online you may use the World Wide Web using:


   Updates to the catalogue are welcome and can be made by either
   completing a template and sending it to "catalogue@connect.com.au" or
   (preferably) by using the HTML form on the World Wide Web

   The new and revised entries are reviewed by a small international
   editorial board made up of TRAINMAT volunteers. The updating of the
   catalogue is done on a best effort basis and is subject to review.

5. Network Training Materials

   This section contains the completed templates of network training
   material, as received by the publication date of this document.  The
   online versions of this document may have more up to date material.
   The material falls into the following broad categories (see also
   section 3):

       User Guides
       Resource Guides
       Trainer Guides
       Presentation material
       Workshop exercises
       Self-paced material
       On-Line Collections

Foster, et. al.              Informational                      [Page 4]

RFC 2007        Catologue of Network Training Materials     October 1996

Template-Type: Trainmat
Handle: 2
Category: User Guides
Country: US - United States
Title: Internet Passport: NorthWestNet's Guide to Our World Online
Author-Name: NorthWestNet
Organization-Name: NorthWestNet
Organization-Address: 15400 SE 30th Place, Suite 202 Bellevue, WA 98007
Audience-Level: Beginner
Language: EN - English
Keywords: Internet; Network services; OPACs, databases; Usenet News;
        electronic mail, WWW, gopher, ftp, archie, telnet, WAIS,
        directory services, electronic publications, information
        provision, security, health care, K-12, supercomputing.
Description: Step-by-step manual, covering the current tools and
        resources of the Internet with explanations by information
        professionals and experienced Internet trainers.
Contact-Phone: +1 206-562-3000
Contact-Email: passport@nwnet.net
Latest-Revision-Date: January 1995
Cost: US 29.95

Access-Type: www
URL: <URL:http://www.nwnet.net/passport>

Access-Type: printed guide
Publisher-Name: Prentice Hall
Size: 667 pp.
Reference: ISBN 0-13-194200-X

Notes: Information on ordering is available from:
Record-Last-Verified-Date: October, 1995
Record-Last-Modified-Date: October, 1995
Record-Last-Modified-Name: Isaacs, Margaret
Record-Last-Modified-Email: mmi@dcs.gla.ac.uk

Foster, et. al.              Informational                      [Page 5]

RFC 2007        Catologue of Network Training Materials     October 1996

Template-Type: Trainmat
Handle: 7
Category: User Guides
Country: US - United States
Title: The Net: User Guidelines and Netiquette
Author-Name: Rinaldi, Arlene H.
Author-Email: rinaldi@acc.fau.edu
Organization-Name: Information Resource Management, Florida Atlantic
        University, USA
Audience-Level: Beginner
Language: EN - English
Language: DE - German
Language: IT - Italian
Language: ES - Spanish
Language: FR - French
Language: PT - Portuguese
Language: JA - Japanese
Keywords: netiquette; network applications; Usenet; ethics
Description: Guide to responsible practice in making use of network
        services. Gives guidelines in areas of telnet, ftp, e-mail,
        Listserv groups, mailing lists, Usenet, plus "The Ten
        Commandments for Computer Ethics."
Contact-Name: Rinaldi, Arlene
Contact-Email: rinaldi@acc.fau.edu
Latest-Revision-Date: January 1996
Cost: free

Access-Type: www
URL: <URL:http://www.fau.edu/rinaldi/netiquette.html>

Notes: The translated versions may not necessarily have the same
        `Lastest-Version' date as the original.
Record-Last-Verified-Date: February 1996
Record-Last-Modified-Date: February 1996
Record-Last-Modified-Name: Wright, Emma F.
Record-Last-Modified-Email: Emma.Wright@newcastle.ac.uk

Foster, et. al.              Informational                      [Page 6]

RFC 2007        Catologue of Network Training Materials     October 1996

Template-Type: Trainmat
Handle: 8
Category: User Guides
Country: US - United States
Title: Emily Postnews Answers Your Questions on Netiquette
Author-Name: Templeton, Brad
Author-Email: brad@clarinet.com
Audience-Level: Intermediate
Language: EN - English
Language: DE - German
Language: FR - French
Keywords: advice, netiquette, satire
Description: Lessons about network etiquette through advice on good
        practice, heavily laden with irony.
Contact-Name: Templeton, Brad
Contact-Email: brad@clarinet.com
Latest-Revision-Date: May 1995
Cost: free

Access-Type: ftp
URL: <URL:ftp://pit-manager.mit.edu/pub/usenet-by-group/news.answers/

Record-Last-Verified-Date: February 1996
Record-Last-Modified-Date: February 1996
Record-Last-Modified-Name: Wright, Emma F.
Record-Last-Modified-Email: Emma.Wright@newcastle.ac.uk

Foster, et. al.              Informational                      [Page 7]

RFC 2007        Catologue of Network Training Materials     October 1996

Template-Type: Trainmat
Handle: 10
Category: User Guides
Country: US - United States
Title: Surfing the Internet
Author-Name: Polly, Jean Armour
Organization-Name: Net-mom.com
Organization-Address: Net-mom.com 4146 Barker Hill Rd. Jamesville NY
Audience-Level: Beginner
Language: EN - English
Description: Overview of the Internet with somewhat of a focus on
        education. Includes projects underway and various kinds of
        services, including bulletin board systems, databases, OPACS,
        listservs, and muses. Gives contacts for getting connected and
        discusses common Internet tools. Magazine article, which is
        included in the ftp file, is a non-technical introduction to the
        Internet without the specific information given in the ftp file.
Contact-Name: Polly, Jean Armour
Contact-Address: Net-mom.com
        4146 Barker Hill Rd.
        NY 13078
Contact-Phone: +1 315-469-8670
Contact-Email: polly@well.com
Latest-Revision-Date: May 1993
Cost: free

Access-Type: ftp
URL: <URL:ftp://nysernet.org/pub/resources/guides/surfing.2.0.3.txt>
File-Size: 60 K

Access-Type: journal article
Publisher-Name: Wilson Library Bulletin
Size: 2 pp.
Reference: v. 66 no. 10, pp. 38-39

Record-Last-Verified-Date: February 1996
Record-Last-Modified-Date: February 1996
Record-Last-Modified-Name: Shepstone, Jon
Record-Last-Modified-Email: J.P.Shepstone@newcastle.ac.uk

Foster, et. al.              Informational                      [Page 8]

RFC 2007        Catologue of Network Training Materials     October 1996

Template-Type: Trainmat
Handle: 14
Category: User Guides
Country: GB - Great Britain
Title: A Guide to Electronic Mail
Author-Name: Brack, Verity
Author-Email: V.Brack@sheffield.ac.uk
Organization-Name: Academic Computing Services Dept, University of
Organization-Address: Sheffield S10 2TN, UK
Audience-Level: Intermediate
Language: EN - English
Keywords: e-mail; Janet; gateways; names; addresses; networks
Description: Details of using e-mail from Sheffield to other sites and
        networks, including sending files by e-mail. Section on use of
        gateways. Some site-specific information.
Contact-Name: Brack, Verity
Contact-Address: Academic Computing Services
        University of Sheffield
        Sheffield S10 2TN
Contact-Phone: +44 114 282 4253
Contact-Email: V.Brack@sheffield.ac.uk
Latest-Revision-Date: October 1994
Cost: free

Access-Type: email
Access-Email: V.Brack@sheffield.ac.uk
File-Size: 222,744 bytes
Content-Type: Word for Windows
Email-Command: send a message to Verity Brack asking for ppnotesmail2

Access-Type: printed booklet
Publisher-Name: ACS, University of Sheffield
Size: 39 pages, A4
Reference: Mail2

Record-Last-Verified-Date: October 94
Record-Last-Modified-Date: October 94
Record-Last-Modified-Name: Brack, Verity
Record-Last-Modified-Email: V.Brack@sheffield.ac.uk

Foster, et. al.              Informational                      [Page 9]

RFC 2007        Catologue of Network Training Materials     October 1996

Template-Type: Trainmat
Handle: 58
Category: Self-paced Material
Country: GB - Great Britain
Title: Course Notes and Exercises: Networked Information Services 1:
Author-Name: Brack, Verity
Author-Email: V.Brack@sheffield.ac.uk
Organization-Name: Academic Computing Services, University of Sheffield
Organization-Address: Sheffield S10 2TN, UK
Audience-Level: Beginner
Language: EN - English
Keywords: Janet; use; bulletin boards; information services
Description: Notes and exercises covering the use of information
        services on Janet. Includes using the NISS gateway, the NISS and
        BUBL bulletin boards, Janet News, OPACs and the X.500 directory
Contact-Name: Brack, Verity
Contact-Address: Academic Computing Services
        University of Sheffield
        Sheffield S10 2TN
Contact-Phone: +44 114 282 4253
Contact-Email: V.Brack@sheffield.ac.uk
Latest-Revision-Date: September 1994
Cost: free for non-commercial use

Access-Type: email
Access-Email: V.Brack@sheffield.ac.uk
File-Size: 140,870 bytes
Content-Type: Word for Windows
Email-Command: send a message to Verity Brack asking for

Access-Type: booklet
Publisher-Name: Academic Computing Services, University of Sheffield
Publisher-Address: Sheffield S10 2TN
Size: 8 pages, A4
Reference: CN-Comms1

Record-Last-Verified-Date: January 96
Record-Last-Modified-Date: January 96
Record-Last-Modified-Name: Brack, Verity
Record-Last-Modified-Email: V.Brack@sheffield.ac.uk

Foster, et. al.              Informational                     [Page 10]

RFC 2007        Catologue of Network Training Materials     October 1996

Template-Type: Trainmat
Handle: 61
Category: User Guides
Country: NL - Netherlands
Title: SURFnet Guide 94/95
Author-Name: Geerlings, Ben; Heijne, Maria; Stals, Bert
Organization-Name: SURFnet BV
Organization-Address: Utrecht
Audience-Level: Intermediate
Language: EN - English
Description: Comprehensive guide to services accessible via SURFnet
        complete with access details. Explains in non-technical language
        about networks, e-mail, remote login, file transfer, bulletin
        boards, remote job entry, electronic conferencing, etc.
Contact-Name: Geerlings, Ben
Contact-Address: SURFnet BV
        PO Box 19035
        3501 DA Utrecht
        The Netherlands
Contact-Phone: +31 30 310290
Contact-Email: info@SURFnet.nl
Latest-Revision-Date: 1994
Cost: free

Access-Type: ftp
URL: <URL:ftp://ftp.nic.SURFnet.nl/surfnet/publications/guide/>
File-Size: 329 K

Access-Type: book
Publisher-Name: SURFnet bv
Publisher-Address: SURFnet BV
        PO Box 19035
        3501 DA Utrecht
        The Netherlands
Publisher-Phone: +31 30 310290
Size: 265 pp.
Reference: ISBN 90-74719-01-5

Notes: Special contributions: Janneke Abbema, Xander Jansen, Pien
        Verhorst Available in Dutch and English, and in ascii, Word
        Perfect, and postcript formats.
Record-Last-Verified-Date: January 96
Record-Last-Modified-Date: January 96
Record-Last-Modified-Name: Isaacs, Margaret
Record-Last-Modified-Email: mmi@dcs.gla.ac.uk

Foster, et. al.              Informational                     [Page 11]

RFC 2007        Catologue of Network Training Materials     October 1996

Template-Type: Trainmat
Handle: 64
Category: User Guides
Country: US - United States
Title: A Cruise of the Internet
Author-Name: Burdick, Steve
Organization-Name: Merit Network Inc.
Organization-Address: Ann Arbor, Mich.
Audience-Level: Beginner
Language: EN - English
Keywords: basic introduction internet
Description: Merit's "Cruise of the Internet" is a computer-based
        tutorial for new as well as experienced Internet "navigators."
        The Cruise will introduce you to Internet resources as diverse
        as supercomputing, minorities, multimedia, and even cooking. It
        will also provide information about the tools needed to access
        those resources.
Contact-Name: Ward, Jo Ann
Contact-Address: Merit Network Inc.
        Information Services
        2901 Hubbard
        Pod G
        Ann Arbor
        MI 48105
Contact-Email: cruise2feedback@merit.edu
Latest-Revision-Date: 1992
Cost: free (US$10 for diskette version)

Access-Type: ftp
URL: <URL:ftp://nic.merit.edu/internet/resources/cruise.dos/>
File-Size: approx. 1.5 MB
Requirements: This tutorial will run on any IBM-DOS or DOS-compatible
        computer which is equipped to display 256 colors at an aspect
        ratio of 640 x 480. To run the Cruise tutorial you will need -
        An IBM-DOS or DOS-compatible computer - XGA- or XGA-compatible
        adapter set to display 256 colors at 640 x 480 - Microsoft
        Windows(TM) version 3.1 running in enhanced mode - Approximately
        1.5 MB of disk space - 2 MB RAM minimum

Foster, et. al.              Informational                     [Page 12]

RFC 2007        Catologue of Network Training Materials     October 1996

Access-Type: ftp
URL: <URL:ftp://nic.merit.edu/internet/resources/cruise.mac/>
File-Size: approx. 1.5 MB
Requirements: This tutorial will run on any color Macintosh which is
        capable of displaying 256 colors. To run the Cruise tutorial you
        will need - A Macintosh II, LC or Quadra series computer - 8-bit
        color and any color monitor (12" minimum) - System 6.05 or 7.x -
        Approximately 3 MB of disk space - 4 MB RAM is recommended

Access-Type: disk
Publisher-Name: Merit Network, Inc.,Information Services
Publisher-Address: 2901 Hubbard, Pod G Ann Arbor, MI 48105
Publisher-Email: cruise2feedback@merit.edu
Size: (1.44MB HD diskette only)

Record-Last-Verified-Date: Never
Record-Last-Modified-Date: January 96
Record-Last-Modified-Name: Mann, Dawn
Record-Last-Modified-Email: MANND@AdminA.RFERL.ORG

Foster, et. al.              Informational                     [Page 13]

RFC 2007        Catologue of Network Training Materials     October 1996

Template-Type: Trainmat
Handle: 68
Category: Resource Guides
Country: US - United States
Title: Information Sources: the Internet and Computer-Mediated
Author-Name: December, John
Author-Email: decemj@rpi.edu
Organization-Name: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Organization-Address: Troy, New York, USA
Audience-Level: Intermediate
Language: EN - English
Keywords: Computer mediated networked communication information
Description: The work's purpose is "to list pointers to information
        describing the Internet, computer networks, and issues related
        to computer-mediated communication (CMC)."
Contact-Name: December, John
Contact-Email: decemj@rpi.edu
Latest-Revision-Date: December 95. Release 4.05
Cost: Free for non commercial use

Access-Type: ftp
URL: <URL:ftp://ftp.rpi.edu/pub/communications/internet-cmc.txt>
File-Size: 230KB (approx.)
Requirements: none

Access-Type: www
URL: <URL:http://www.rpi.edu/Internet/Guides/decemj/internet-cmc.html>

Record-Last-Verified-Date: January 1995
Record-Last-Modified-Date: February 1996
Record-Last-Modified-Name: Scales, Walter
Record-Last-Modified-Email: Walter.Scales@newcastle.ac.uk

Foster, et. al.              Informational                     [Page 14]

RFC 2007        Catologue of Network Training Materials     October 1996

Template-Type: Trainmat
Handle: 69
Category: User Guides
Country: US - United States
Title: The Whole Internet User's Guide and Catalogue (2nd ed.)
Author-Name: Krol, Ed
Author-Email: info@ora.com
Organization-Name: O'Reilly & Associates
Organization-Address: 103 Morris Street, Suite A Sebastapol, CA 95472
Audience-Level: Intermediate
Language: EN - English
Keywords: User guide, resource guide, catalog
Description: A guide for both new and experienced users of the Internet.
        Utilities such as email, News, ftp are discussed along with some
        of the newer tools such as WWW, gopher and archie. A good
        resource section is provided as well.
Contact-Name: info@ora.com
Contact-Phone: +1 707 829 0515 or (800) 998-9938
Contact-Email: info@ora.com
Latest-Revision-Date: April 1994
Cost: Commercial

Access-Type: book
Publisher-Name: O'Reilly & Associates
Publisher-Address: 103 Morris Street, Suite A Sebastopol, CA 95472
Publisher-Phone: +1 707 829 0515 or (800) 998-9938
Publisher-Email: info@ora.com
Size: 572 pages
Reference: ISBN 1-56592-063-5

Record-Last-Verified-Date: September 94
Record-Last-Modified-Date: February 1996
Record-Last-Modified-Name: Scales, Walter
Record-Last-Modified-Email: Walter.Scales@newcastle.ac.uk

Foster, et. al.              Informational                     [Page 15]

RFC 2007        Catologue of Network Training Materials     October 1996

Template-Type: Trainmat
Handle: 70
Category: Presentation Material
Country: GB - Great Britain
Title: Network Training Pack
Author-Name: Network Training Materials Project
Author-Email: mmi@dcs.gla.ac.uk
Organization-Name: University of Newcastle
Organization-Address: Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 7RU UK
Audience-Level: Beginner/Intermediate
Language: EN - English
Keywords: networks, network training, networked information, network
Description: A mix'n match set of generic training materials comprising
        presentations with notes, workshop exercises, handout sheets,
        etc. Intended to be taken and adapted by trainers in their local
        training programmes.
Contact-Name: Foster, Jill
Contact-Address: Computing Service
        University of Newcastle
        Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 7RU
Contact-Phone: +44 191 222 8080
Contact-Email: jill.foster@ncl.ac.uk
Cost: Free for non commercial use

Access-Type: ftp
URL: <URL:ftp://ftp.ncl.ac.uk/pub/network-training/trainpack/>
Requirements: Presentation files for PC Windows or Apple Mac require
        Microsoft PowerPoint or PowerPoint Viewer to run. Viewer is
        available free on this server.

Access-Type: gopher
URL: <URL:gopher://trainmat.ncl.ac.uk:7070/11/NetTrainPack/>
Requirements: Presentation files for PC Windows or Apple Mac require
        Microsoft PowerPoint or PowerPoint Viewer to run. Viewer is
        available free on this server.

Record-Last-Verified-Date: January 96
Record-Last-Modified-Date: January 96
Record-Last-Modified-Name: Isaacs, Margaret
Record-Last-Modified-Email: mmi@dcs.gla.ac.uk

Foster, et. al.              Informational                     [Page 16]

RFC 2007        Catologue of Network Training Materials     October 1996

Template-Type: Trainmat
Handle: 71
Category: Workshop Exercises
Country: GB - Great Britain
Title: Janet Hunt
Author-Name: Daniels, Graham
Author-Email: lbx001@coventry.ac.uk
Organization-Name: Bulletin Board for Libraries
Organization-Address: University of Bath, Bath, UK
Audience-Level: Intermediate
Language: EN - English
Keywords: JANET, Internet, quiz
Description: Set of quizzes with answers
Contact-Name: Daniels, Graham
Contact-Email: lbx001@coventry.ac.uk
Cost: Free

Access-Type: gopher
URL: <URL:gopher://bubl.bath.ac.uk:7070/11/BUBL_Main_Menu/K/K02/K02A>

Record-Last-Verified-Date: January 96
Record-Last-Modified-Date: January 96
Record-Last-Modified-Name: Isaacs, Margaret
Record-Last-Modified-Email: mmi@dcs.gla.ac.uk

Foster, et. al.              Informational                     [Page 17]

RFC 2007        Catologue of Network Training Materials     October 1996

Template-Type: Trainmat
Handle: 73
Category: User Guides
Country: US - United States
Title: An Introduction to Using the Internet at St. Louis University
        School of Law
Author-Name: Milles, Jim
Author-Email: millesjg@sluvca.slu.edu
Organization-Name: St Louis University School of Law Library
Organization-Address: St Louis, Missouri, USA
Audience-Level: Intermediate
Language: EN - English
Keywords: VAX, Pine, Email, telnet, ftp, kermit, Gopher
Description: Largely a local document, but has detailed descriptions of
        Pine and VAX mail systems. Also acts as a resource guide for
        legal information and e-mail lists.
Contact-Name: Milles, Jim
Contact-Email: millesjg@sluvca.slu.edu
Latest-Revision-Date: May 94
Cost: Unknown

Access-Type: ftp
URL: <URL:ftp://lawlib.slu.edu/pub/millesjg/interlaw.exe>
File-Size: 138186
Requirements: Self-extracting archive to a WP file

Record-Last-Verified-Date: February 1996
Record-Last-Modified-Date: February 1996
Record-Last-Modified-Name: Scales, Walter
Record-Last-Modified-Email: Walter.Scales@newcastle.ac.uk

Foster, et. al.              Informational                     [Page 18]

RFC 2007        Catologue of Network Training Materials     October 1996

Template-Type: Trainmat
Handle: 74
Category: Resource Guides
Country: US - United States
Title: "Where to Start" for New Internet Users
Author-Name: Milles, Jim
Author-Email: millesjg@sluvca.slu.edu
Organization-Name: Saint Louis University School of Law Library
Organization-Address: St Louis, Missouri, USA
Audience-Level: Intermediate
Language: EN - English
Keywords: Bibliography, Internet
Description: An annotated bibliography of books and ftp documents.
        Arranged by category of potential user.
Contact-Name: Milles, Jim
Contact-Email: millesjg@sluvca.slu.edu
Latest-Revision-Date: May 94
Cost: Free

Access-Type: email
Access-Email: listserv@ubvm.cc.buffalo.edu
File-Size: 18095
Content-Type: Text
Email-Command: get newusers faq nettrain f=mail

Access-Type: ftp
URL: <URL:ftp://lawlib.slu.edu/newusers.faq>
File-Size: 18095

Access-Type: www
URL: <URL:http://lawlib.slu.edu/newusers.htm>

Record-Last-Verified-Date: February 1996
Record-Last-Modified-Date: February 1996
Record-Last-Modified-Name: Scales, Walter
Record-Last-Modified-Email: Walter.Scales@newcastle.ac.uk

Foster, et. al.              Informational                     [Page 19]

RFC 2007        Catologue of Network Training Materials     October 1996

Template-Type: Trainmat
Handle: 75
Category: Self-paced Material
Country: US - United States
Title: Introduction to the Internet II
Organization-Name: Globewide Network Academy
Organization-Address: Texas, USA
Audience-Level: Beginner
Language: EN - English
Keywords: Distance education, on-line courses, catalog, MOO, Internet
Description: Online Internet course
Cost: Free

Access-Type: www
URL: <URL:http://uu-gna.mit.edu:8001/uu-gna/text/internet/welcome.html>

Notes: Although this course is free, some Globewide Network Academy
        services are charged for, for example membership.
Record-Last-Verified-Date: January 96
Record-Last-Modified-Date: February 1996
Record-Last-Modified-Name: Scales, Walter
Record-Last-Modified-Email: Walter.Scales@newcastle.ac.uk

Foster, et. al.              Informational                     [Page 20]

RFC 2007        Catologue of Network Training Materials     October 1996

Template-Type: Trainmat
Handle: 76
Category: Workshop Exercises
Country: US - United States
Title: Internet Hunt
Author-Name: Gates, Rick
Author-Email: rgates@locust.cic.net
Organization-Name: University of Arizona
Organization-Address: 1515E 1st Street, Tucson, Arizona, USA
Audience-Level: Advanced
Language: EN - English
Keywords: quiz, Internet
Description: Monthly quiz for individuals or teams, with useful archive
        (ceased April 1995)
Contact-Name: Gates, Rick
Contact-Address: Student and Lecturer
        hool of Information Resources
        University of Arizona
        1515E 1st St
        Tucson AZ
Contact-Phone: +1 602 621-3958
Contact-Email: rgates@locust.cic.net
Cost: Free

Access-Type: ftp
URL: <URL:ftp://ftp.cic.net/pub/hunt>

Access-Type: gopher
URL: <URL:gopher://gopher.cic.net:2000/11/hunt>

Access-Type: www
URL: <URL:http://www.hunt.org/>

Record-Last-Verified-Date: January 1996
Record-Last-Modified-Date: February 1996
Record-Last-Modified-Name: Scales, Walter
Record-Last-Modified-Email: Walter.Scales@newcastle.ac.uk

Foster, et. al.              Informational                     [Page 21]

RFC 2007        Catologue of Network Training Materials     October 1996

Template-Type: Trainmat
Handle: 78
Category: Resource Guides
Country: US - United States
Author-Name: Noonan, Dana
Author-Email: noonan@msus1.msus.edu
Organization-Name: Minnesota State University
Organization-Address: Minnesota
Audience-Level: Intermediate
Language: EN - English
Description: Describes library-related resources available via the
        Internet, such as online catalogs, library gophers, WWW servers,
        special collections, databases and bibliographies, discussion
        lists, etc. Links to many services.
Contact-Name: Noonan, Dana
Latest-Revision-Date: January 1995
Cost: Free

Access-Type: www
URL: <URL:http://www.metronet.lib.mn.us/lc/lc1.html>

Record-Last-Verified-Date: January 96
Record-Last-Modified-Date: January 96
Record-Last-Modified-Name: Isaacs, Margaret
Record-Last-Modified-Email: mmi@dcs.gla.ac.uk

Foster, et. al.              Informational                     [Page 22]

RFC 2007        Catologue of Network Training Materials     October 1996

Template-Type: Trainmat
Handle: 79
Category: Resource Guides
Country: US - United States
Title: A Guide To Internet/Bitnet v.2.0
Author-Name: Noonan, Dana
Author-Email: noonan@msus1.msus.edu
Organization-Name: Minnesota State University
Organization-Address: Minnesota
Language: EN - English
Keywords: Telnet, ftp, Electronic Journals, Newsletters.
Description: A comprehensive overview of network resources.
        Overwhelmingly North American bias. Covers e-mail lists, Usenet
        and library catalogs well, but has comparatively little detail
        about gopher, WWW etc. Early sections aimed at VAX users only.
        Good bibliography.
Contact-Name: Noonan, Dana
Latest-Revision-Date: June 1995
Cost: Free

Access-Type: www
URL: <URL:http://www.metronet.lib.mn.us/guide/guide.html>

Record-Last-Verified-Date: January 96
Record-Last-Modified-Date: February 1996
Record-Last-Modified-Name: Wright, Emma F.
Record-Last-Modified-Email: Emma.Wright@newcastle.ac.uk

Foster, et. al.              Informational                     [Page 23]

RFC 2007        Catologue of Network Training Materials     October 1996

Template-Type: Trainmat
Handle: 81
Category: Presentation Material
Country: GB - Great Britain
Title: Network Services on Janet and Internet: A Lunch Time seminar for
        Library Staff
Author-Name: Munroe, George & Kirkpatrick, Diana
Author-Email: G.Munroe@qub.ac.uk
Organization-Name: Queens University
Organization-Address: Belfast
Audience-Level: Intermediate
Language: EN - English
Keywords: JANET, Host connection, Email, File transfer, Clients and
        Servers, Gopher, WAIS, WWW.
Description: Seminar on Janet & the Internet
Contact-Name: Munroe, George
Contact-Address: Queens University Computer Centre
        Belfast BT7 1NN
        Northern Ireland
Contact-Email: G.Munroe@Queens-Belfast.ac.uk
Latest-Revision-Date: March 1994
Cost: Free

Access-Type: www
URL: <URL:http://boris.qub.ac.uk/george/library/>

Record-Last-Verified-Date: January 1996
Record-Last-Modified-Date: January 1996
Record-Last-Modified-Name: Hiom, Debra
Record-Last-Modified-Email: D.Hiom@bristol.ac.uk

Foster, et. al.              Informational                     [Page 24]

RFC 2007        Catologue of Network Training Materials     October 1996

Template-Type: Trainmat
Handle: 85
Category: On-Line Collections
Country: GB - Great Britain
Title: SOSIG Documentation and Training Materials
Author-Name: Huxley, Lesly & Ferguson, Nicky
Author-Email: lesly.huxley@bristol.ac.uk
Organization-Name: Centre for Computing in the Social Sciences
Organization-Address: University of Bristol, 8 Woodland Road, Bristol
        BS8 1TN
Audience-Level: Beginner/Intermediate
Language: EN - English
Keywords: Internet, Social science, Social Science Information Gateway
        (SOSIG), WWW, Telnet, Lynx, Information services, Netscape,
        Mailbase, NISS, Mailbase, Library Catalogue, Nameflow, BUBL.
Description: Collection of training and documentation specifically for
        social scientists.
Contact-Name: Huxley, Lesly
Contact-Phone: +44 117 928 8472
Contact-Email: lesly.huxley@bristol.ac.uk
Latest-Revision-Date: January 1996
Cost: Free

Access-Type: www
URL: <URL:http://sosig.ac.uk/training/training.html>

Access-Type: ftp
URL: <URL:ftp://sosig.ac/pub/sosig/doc>

Record-Last-Verified-Date: January 1996
Record-Last-Modified-Date: January 1996
Record-Last-Modified-Name: Wright, Emma F.
Record-Last-Modified-Email: Emma.Wright@newcastle.ac.uk

Foster, et. al.              Informational                     [Page 25]

RFC 2007        Catologue of Network Training Materials     October 1996

Template-Type: Trainmat
Handle: 87
Category: Presentation material
Country: US - United States
Title: University of Washington Internet training
Author-Name: Larsson, Laura
Author-Email: larsson@u.washington.edu
Organization-Name: University of Washington
Organization-Address: Seattle, Washington, USA
Audience-Level: Intermediate
Language: EN - English
Description: A series of presentation graphics about the Internet,
        including material for trainers on Internet training
Contact-Name: Larsson, Laura
Contact-Email: larsson@u.washington.edu
Latest-Revision-Date: 1994
Cost: Free

Access-Type: gopher
URL: <URL:gopher://nisp.ncl.ac.uk:7070/11/OtherMat/GeneralTrainMats/
Requirements: Presentation files for PC Windows or Apple Mac require
        Microsoft PowerPoint or PowerPoint Viewer to run.

Record-Last-Verified-Date: January 96
Record-Last-Modified-Date: January 96
Record-Last-Modified-Name: Kessler, Gary
Record-Last-Modified-Email: kumquat@hill.com

Foster, et. al.              Informational                     [Page 26]

RFC 2007        Catologue of Network Training Materials     October 1996

Template-Type: Trainmat
Handle: 90
Category: User Guides
Country: US - United States
Title: Global Quest Video
Author-Name: Sellers, Jennifer
Author-Email: sellers@lupine.nsi.nasa.gov
Organization-Name: NASA - K-12 Internet Initiative
Organization-Address: US
Audience-Level: Beginner
Language: EN - English
Description: Video on benefits to schools on using the internet
Contact-Name: Sellers, Jennifer
Cost: Commercial

Access-Type: video
Publisher-Name: NASA
Publisher-Email: sellers@lupine.nsi.nasa.gov

Record-Last-Verified-Date: Never
Record-Last-Modified-Date: January 96
Record-Last-Modified-Name: Dunlop, Angela
Record-Last-Modified-Email: AT.Dunlop@ulster.ac.uk

Foster, et. al.              Informational                     [Page 27]

RFC 2007        Catologue of Network Training Materials     October 1996

Template-Type: Trainmat
Handle: 91
Category: Trainer Guides
Country: US - United States
Title: Introducing the Internet: A Trainer's Workshop.
Author-Name: Jaffe, Lee D.
Audience-Level: Advanced
Language: EN - English
Description: "A good starting point for Internet trainers in developing
        their presentations... looking for support to use to develop
        their own materials. Plus version has the added feature of
        Powerpoint diskettes for PC Windows and MAC." (Anonymous review)
Latest-Revision-Date: 1994
Cost: Commercial

Access-Type: book
Publisher-Name: Library Solutions Press
Publisher-Address: 2137 Oregon St., Berkeley, CA 94705
Publisher-Phone: +1 510-841-2636
Publisher-Email: sales@library-solutions.com
Size: 92 Pages + Disks
Reference: ISBN 1-882208-05-6

Notes: Internet Workshop Series Number 1 Supplement to Crossing the
        Internet Threshold. Information about book available at
Record-Last-Verified-Date: January 96
Record-Last-Modified-Date: April 1996
Record-Last-Modified-Name: Prior, Mark
Record-Last-Modified-Email: mrp@connect.com.au

Foster, et. al.              Informational                     [Page 28]

RFC 2007        Catologue of Network Training Materials     October 1996

Template-Type: Trainmat
Handle: 92
Category: Trainer Guides
Country: US - United States
Title: All About Internet FTP: Learning and Teaching to Transfer Files
        on the Internet.
Author-Name: Robison, David F. W.
Audience-Level: Advanced
Language: EN - English
Description: "A solid work demystifying file transfer protocol (FTP). A
        good starting point for Internet trainers in developing their
        presentations. Plus version has the added feature of Powerpoint
        diskettes for PC Windows and MAC." (Anonymous review)
Latest-Revision-Date: 1994
Cost: Commercial

Access-Type: book
Publisher-Name: Library Solutions Press
Publisher-Address: 2137 Oregon St., Berkeley, CA 94705
Publisher-Phone: +1 510-841-2636
Publisher-Email: sales@library-solutions.com
Size: 90 Pages + Disks
Reference: ISBN: 1-882208-06-4

Notes: Internet Workshop Series Number 2 Supplement to Crossing the
        Internet Threshold. Information about book available from:
Record-Last-Verified-Date: January 96
Record-Last-Modified-Date: April 1996
Record-Last-Modified-Name: Prior, Mark
Record-Last-Modified-Email: mrp@connect.com.au

Foster, et. al.              Informational                     [Page 29]

RFC 2007        Catologue of Network Training Materials     October 1996

Template-Type: Trainmat
Handle: 93
Category: User Guides
Country: US - United States
Title: The Computer Chronicles
Organization-Name: Station WITF-TV
Audience-Level: Intermediate
Language: EN - English
Description: "The reporter (it is produced by a TV station) interviews
        Brendan Kehoe, Howard Rheingold, Carl Malamud, and some other
        individuals. Short visits are made to NASA, ARPA, and a couple
        other sites. A few examples of Internet resources are briefly
        shown (getting a file with ftp, using MOSAIC, using gopher). It
        moves at a brisk pace and makes a nice, quick intro to the
        Internet." (Reviewed by Vicki Pengelly, pengelly@selway.umt.edu)
Contact-Name: Andrews, Donna
Contact-Address: Harrisburg
Contact-Phone: +1-800-366-9483 or +1-717-236-6000
Cost: Commercial

Access-Type: video
Publisher-Name: Station WITF-TV
Size: 25 minutes

Notes: US$37.50
Record-Last-Verified-Date: January 1996
Record-Last-Modified-Date: October 94
Record-Last-Modified-Name: Anagnostelis, Betsy
Record-Last-Modified-Email: betsy@rfhsm.ac.uk

Foster, et. al.              Informational                     [Page 30]

RFC 2007        Catologue of Network Training Materials     October 1996

Template-Type: Trainmat
Handle: 94
Category: User Guides
Country: US - United States
Title: The Video Guide to the Internet
Organization-Name: Visual Edge Productions
Organization-Address: 2750 Highview Ave., Altadena, Ca. 91001
Audience-Level: Intermediate
Language: EN - English
Description: "It uses lively graphic examples, and a sense of humor
        while giving demonstrations and explanations on all the major
        Internet tools: e-mail, listserv lists, newsgroups, telnet, ftp,
        archie, gopher, veronica, WAIS and the world wide web with
        Mosaic." (Anonymous review)
Contact-Address: Visual Edge Productions
        2750 Highview Ave.
        Ca. 91001
Contact-Phone: +1-818-797-4638
Cost: Commercial

Access-Type: video
Publisher-Name: Visual Edge Productions
Publisher-Address: 2750 Highview Ave., Altadena, Ca. 91001
Publisher-Phone: +1-818-797-4638
Size: 45 minutes

Notes: The tape costs $19.95 + $3.50 shipping + $1.65 tax if you live in
Record-Last-Verified-Date: January 96
Record-Last-Modified-Date: January 96
Record-Last-Modified-Name: Anagnostelis, Betsy
Record-Last-Modified-Email: betsy@rfhsm.ac.uk

Foster, et. al.              Informational                     [Page 31]

RFC 2007        Catologue of Network Training Materials     October 1996

Template-Type: Trainmat
Handle: 95
Category: User Guides
Country: US - United States
Title: INTERNET, The Video Tape
Organization-Name: New Technologies, Inc.
Organization-Address: Suite 903, One East Chase Street, Baltimore, MD
        212 02
Audience-Level: Intermediate
Language: EN - English
Description: "This tape serves as an introduction to the Internet and
        its numerous benefits... The tape starts off by briefly
        introducing the history behind this network of networks, and
        immediately proceeds to the tools most readily available on this
        network. Each networking tool is followed by a real
        demonstration right on your TV screen." (Anonymous review)
Contact-Address: New Technologies Inc.
        Suite 903
        One East Chase Street
        MD 21202
Contact-Phone: +1-410-659-0959
Contact-Email: nti@superhighway.com
Cost: Commercial

Access-Type: video
Publisher-Name: New Technologies, Inc.
Publisher-Address: Suite 903, One East Chase Street, Baltimore, MD 21202
Publisher-Phone: +1-410-659-0959
Publisher-Email: nti@superhighway.com
Size: 80 minutes

Notes: Media format: VHS; system: NTSC; $64.95 (video tape, booklet,
        support), $5.00 (shipping in the USA, international rates vary),
        5% tax for Maryland residents
Record-Last-Verified-Date: January 96
Record-Last-Modified-Date: January 96
Record-Last-Modified-Name: Anagnostelis, Betsy
Record-Last-Modified-Email: betsy@rfhsm.ac.uk

Foster, et. al.              Informational                     [Page 32]

RFC 2007        Catologue of Network Training Materials     October 1996

Template-Type: Trainmat
Handle: 98
Category: Trainer Guides
Country: US - United States
Title: Crossing the Internet Threshold, 2nd ed.
Author-Name: Tennant,Roy; Ober,John; Lipow, Anne
Audience-Level: Intermediate.
Language: EN - English
Keywords: Internet training; Networking
Description: Introduction to basics of networking, oriented to interests
        of information professionals. Includes practice exercises.
Latest-Revision-Date: 1995
Cost: US$45

Access-Type: book
Publisher-Name: Library Solutions Press
Publisher-Address: 1100 Industrial Road Suite 9 San Carlos CA 94070
Size: 169pp.
Reference: ISBN 1-882208-07-2

Notes: Intended as an introductory resource for beginners and a guide
        for trainers. Further information available from:
Record-Last-Verified-Date: January 96
Record-Last-Modified-Date: January 96
Record-Last-Modified-Name: Isaacs, Margaret
Record-Last-Modified-Email: mmi@dcs.gla.ac.uk

Foster, et. al.              Informational                     [Page 33]

RFC 2007        Catologue of Network Training Materials     October 1996

Template-Type: Trainmat
Handle: 102
Category: On-line Collections
Country: US - United States
Title: Charm Net's Learning Page: Books, Tutorials, Hint sheets
Organization-Name: Charm Net Inc.
Organization-Address: Maryland, U.S.A.
Audience-Level: Intermediate
Language: EN
Keywords: Internet, Internet guides, Internet training, E-mail, Usenet,
        WWW, Unix, IRC, Resource lists
Description: A collection of pointers to Internet training documents and
Contact-Address: 2228 East Lombard Street
        MD 21231
Contact-Phone: +1 410 558-3900
Cost: Free

Access-Type: www
URL: <URL:http://www.charm.net/learning.html>

Record-Last-Verified-Date: January 96
Record-Last-Modified-Date: January 96
Record-Last-Modified-Name: Isaacs, Margaret
Record-Last-Modified-Email: mmi@dcs.gla.ac.uk

Foster, et. al.              Informational                     [Page 34]

RFC 2007        Catologue of Network Training Materials     October 1996

Template-Type: Trainmat
Handle: 103
Category: On-line collections
Country: US - United States
Title: Internet Training and Tutorials
Organization-Name: Library of Congress
Organization-Address: Washington, DC
Audience-Level: Intermediate
Language: EN
Keywords: Internet, Internet training, Internet tutorials, Commercial
Description: A collection of links to Internet training documents and
        course material, including commercial courses.
Contact-Email: lcweb@loc.gov
Latest-Revision-Date: August 95
Cost: Free

Access-Type: www
URL: <URL:http://lcweb.loc.gov/global/internet/training.html>

Record-Last-Verified-Date: January 96
Record-Last-Modified-Date: January 96
Record-Last-Modified-Name: Isaacs, Margaret
Record-Last-Modified-Email: mmi@dcs.gla.ac.uk

Foster, et. al.              Informational                     [Page 35]

RFC 2007        Catologue of Network Training Materials     October 1996

Template-Type: Trainmat
Handle: 104
Category: On-line collections
Country: CA - Canada
Title: Internet Resources
Author-Name: Enns, Neil
Author-Email: ennsnr@brandonu.ca
Organization-Name: Brandon University
Audience-Level: Intermediate
Language: EN
Keywords: Internet, Internet training, Internet guides, Resource lists,
        FTP archives, Gophers sites, USENET Newsgroups, Mailing lists,
        Internet drafts RFCs and FAQs, Search engines
Description: A collection of pointers to resources useful to Internet
        trainers and end-users.
Contact-Name: Enns, Neil
Contact-Email: ennsnr@brandonu.ca
Latest-Revision-Date: March 1995
Cost: Free

Access-Type: www
URL: <URL:http://www.brandonu.ca/~ennsnr/Resources/>

Record-Last-Verified-Date: January 96
Record-Last-Modified-Date: January 96
Record-Last-Modified-Name: Isaacs, Margaret
Record-Last-Modified-Email: mmi@dcs.gla.ac.uk

Foster, et. al.              Informational                     [Page 36]

RFC 2007        Catologue of Network Training Materials     October 1996

Template-Type: Trainmat
Handle: 105
Category: On-line collections
Country: GB - Great Britain
Title: Network Training Materials Gopher (trainmat)
Organization-Name: University of Newcastle
Organization-Address: University of Newcastle, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1
        7RU, UK
Audience-Level: Intermediate
Language: EN
Keywords: Internet, Internet training, Internet guides, Resource lists,
        Internet bibliography, Network Training Pack, Internet trainers
Description: Links to a collection of training and training-related
        resources, including the Network Training Pack, and other
        material to support Internet training. Set up as part of the
        Network Training Materials Project (ended September 1995).
Contact-Name: Foster, Jill
Contact-Address: Computing Service
        University of Newcastle
        Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 7RU
Contact-Phone: +44 191 222 8080
Contact-Email: jill.foster@ncl.ac.uk
Latest-Revision-Date: July 1995
Cost: Free

Access-Type: gopher
URL: <URL:gopher://trainmat.ncl.ac.uk:7070>

Record-Last-Verified-Date: January 96
Record-Last-Modified-Date: January 96
Record-Last-Modified-Name: Isaacs, Margaret
Record-Last-Modified-Email: mmi@dcs.gla.ac.uk

Foster, et. al.              Informational                     [Page 37]

RFC 2007        Catologue of Network Training Materials     October 1996

Template-Type: Trainmat
Handle: 106
Category: On-line collections
Country: US - United States
Title: Computers: Internet: Beginner's Guides
Organization-Name: Yahoo
Audience-Level: Beginner
Language: EN
Keywords: Internet, Internet guides, Beginners, Internet training,
        Configuration, E-mail, Netiquette, glossary, learning, newbie
Description: A collection of links to Internet guides for beginners
Contact-Email: admin@yahoo.com

Access-Type: www
URL: <URL:http://www.yahoo.com/yahoo/Computers/Internet/

Record-Last-Verified-Date: January 96
Record-Last-Modified-Date: January 96
Record-Last-Modified-Name: Isaacs, Margaret
Record-Last-Modified-Email: mmi@dcs.gla.ac.uk

Foster, et. al.              Informational                     [Page 38]

RFC 2007        Catologue of Network Training Materials     October 1996

Template-Type: Trainmat
Handle: 107
Category: On-line collections
Country: US - United States
Title: Internet Web Text
Author-Name: December, John
Author-Email: decemj@rpi.edu
Organization-Name: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Audience-Level: Intermediate
Language: EN
Keywords: Internet, Internet guides, Internet training, Searching,
        Resource lists
Description: A collection of links to Internet guides, reference
        materials, browsing and exploring and searching tools, and
        information about connecting with people
Contact-Name: December, John
Contact-Email: decemj@rpi.edu
Cost: Free

Access-Type: www
URL: <URL:http://www.rpi.edu/Internet/Guides/decemj/about.html>

Notes: December: "I created Internet Web Text for a course in
        Computer-Mediated Communication at Rensselaer Polytechnic
        Institute that I helped teach in the spring of 1994. My goal was
        to create an interface students could use to familiarize
        themselves with the Internet, how to use it, how to find
        information, and how to connect with people."
Record-Last-Verified-Date: January 96
Record-Last-Modified-Date: January 96
Record-Last-Modified-Name: Isaacs, Margaret
Record-Last-Modified-Email: mmi@dcs.gla.ac.uk

Foster, et. al.              Informational                     [Page 39]

RFC 2007        Catologue of Network Training Materials     October 1996

Template-Type: Trainmat
Handle: 108
Category: User Guides
Country: BE - Belgium
Title: Using KULeuvenNet and Internet
Author-Name: Van Uytven, Herman
Author-Email: Herman.VanUytven@cc.kuleuven.ac.be
Organization-Name: Computing Centre K.U.Leuven
Organization-Address: De Croylaan 52a B-3001 Heverlee-Leuven Belgium
Audience-Level: Advanced
Language: EN - English
Keywords: KULeuvenNet network usage, Internet guides, resources
Description: Guide describing how to use the Internet. Available via
        PostScript and HTTP. Contains a lot of key links, links are
        regularly checked using a web robot. Contains a lot of search
        tools behind the course
Contact-Name: Van Uytven, Herman
Contact-Phone: +32 16 322225
Contact-Email: Herman.VanUytven@cc.kuleuven.ac.be
Latest-Revision-Date: Tue 20 Jul 1995
Cost: Free for non commercial use

Access-Type: email
Access-Email: listserv@cc1.kuleuven.ac.be
Email-Command: subscribe kulnetgd FirstName LastName

Access-Type: ftp
URL: <URL:ftp://cc5.kuleuven.ac.be/pub/cursus/ic.ps>
File-Size: 472K

Access-Type: www
URL: <URL:http://www.kuleuven.ac.be/~systhvu/ic/ic.html>

Notes: Mailing list only used to advise interested parties of updates.
Record-Last-Verified-Date: January 96
Record-Last-Modified-Date: January 96
Record-Last-Modified-Name: Van Uytven, Herman
Record-Last-Modified-Email: Herman.VanUytven@cc.kuleuven.ac.be

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RFC 2007        Catologue of Network Training Materials     October 1996

Template-Type: Trainmat
Handle: 109
Category: Self-paced Material
Country: GB - Great Britain
Title: TONIC: The Online Netskills Interactive Tutorial
Author-Name: Isaacs, Margaret; Netskills
Organization-Name: Netskills, University of Newcastle
Organization-Address: University of Newcastle, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1
        7RU, UK
Audience-Level: Beginner
Language: EN - English
Description: TONIC is an easy to understand, World Wide Web-based
        structured course, offering  step-by-step, practical guidance on
        major Internet topics. The course as a whole is intended for
        beginners to networking who have some familiarity with
Contact-Name: Foster, Jill
Contact-Address: Computing Service
        University of Newcastle
        Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 7RU
Contact-Phone: +44 191 222 5000
Contact-Email: netskills-admin@netskills.ac.uk
Latest-Revision-Date: April 1996
Cost: Free for non commercial use

Access-Type: WWW
URL: <URL:http://www.netskills.ac.uk/TONIC>

Notes: This tutorial was originally produced as "Internet for Everyone"
        as part of the UK Network Training Materials Project. It has
        been revised and updated as part of the UK Netskills programme.
Record-Last-Verified-Date: April 96
Record-Last-Modified-Date: April 96
Record-Last-Modified-Name: Foster, Jill
Record-Last-Modified-Email: Jill.Foster@newcastle.ac.uk

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RFC 2007        Catologue of Network Training Materials     October 1996

6. Acknowledgements

   This document was very much a collaborative effort of the members of
   the Trainmat WG and was initially based on the catalogue of network
   training resources put together by Margaret Isaacs in December 1992
   as part of an initial study for the UK Mailbase ITTI Network Training
   Materials Project.

   Special thanks are due to the following contributors who took the
   time to submit or update the templates contained in this document.

           Adams, Phil
           Anagnostelis, Betsy
           Brack, Verity
           Ciolek, T. Matthew
           Dunlop, Angela
           Foster, Jill
           Hamilton, Deborah
           Hiom, Debra
           Isaacs, Margaret
           Kessler, Gary
           Kramer, Stefan
           Mann, Dawn
           Norman, Frank
           Prior, Mark
           Salamon, Andras
           Scales, Walter
           Sellers, Jennifer
           Shepstone, Jon
           Teskey, Patrick
           Van Uytven, Herman
           Ward, Carol
           Wright, Emma F.

   Mark Prior made the catalogue available as a WWW document and made
   provision for updates to be submitted via a web form.

   Prior to submission of the final draft version of this catalogue,
   each template was checked, standarised and updated by Margaret
   Isaacs. Emma Wright, Walter Scales and Jon Shepstone, of the
   Netskills Team, also contacted each Resource's Contact or Author
   (where possible).

7. Security Considerations

   Security issues are not discussed in this document.

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RFC 2007        Catologue of Network Training Materials     October 1996

8. Authors' Addresses

   Jill Foster
   Mailbase and Netskills
   University Computing Service
   University of Newcastle
   Claremont Road
   Newcastle upon Tyne
   NE1 7RU

   Phone: +44 191 222 8250
   Fax:   +44 191 222 5001
   EMail: Jill.Foster@newcastle.ac.uk

   Margaret Isaacs
   Network Training Materials Project
   Department of Computing Science
   University of Glasgow
   Glasgow  G12 8QQ

   Phone: +44 141 330 5314
   Fax:   +44 141 330 4913
   EMail: mmi@dcs.gla.ac.uk

   Mark Prior
   connect.com.au pty ltd
   c/o AAP Telecommunications
   Level 1, 45 Pirie Street
   Adelaide SA 5000

   Phone: +61 8 8203 2088
   EMail: mrp@connect.com.au

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RFC 2007        Catologue of Network Training Materials     October 1996

Appendix A: Catalogue of Network Training Material Template

   Template-Type: Trainmat

   Additional information for document accessible via E-Mail

   Access-Type: [email]

   Additional information for network accessible document

   Access-Type: [ftp, gopher, WWW, etc.]

   Additional information for document available off-line

   Access-Type: [book, article, video, disk]

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RFC 2007        Catologue of Network Training Materials     October 1996


   Entry verification information


   In the additional information sections omit any data elements where
   no data exists.

Appendix B: Notes on completing the TrainMat template

1.      Selecting a new resource for inclusion

   When considering a new resource for inclusion in the Trainmat
   Catalogue, you will need to ask a few questions to decide whether or
   not it should be included.

1.1     Does the item belong in a Training Materials Catalogue?

   This catalogue covers network training materials, including self
   teaching materials, and other resources which facilitate and support

   A generous interpretation of what constitutes 'training materials' is
   appropriate. (See also the note 3.2 on 'Category'.) Training can be
   thought of as 'seeking to change behaviour', and if a document does
   try to do that, then it can be considered for inclusion in this
   catalogue.  A document that leads the reader through sample exercises
   may come into this category, but a reference card listing the
   commands to use does not. Appropriate  resource lists to include are
   lists assembled for training purposes and lists frequently used or
   referred to in training.

   As this is an international catalogue it is generally not appropriate
   to include material for specific services or networks. That said,
   some national or regional network training material is of sufficient
   generality to be considered for inclusion.

1.2      Is the content reasonably up-to-date and worth including?

   It is intended that the catalogue contains a selection of quality
   training materials, not a comprehensive list of everything available.
   Some degree of 'quality control' is needed on the entries. You will
   need to decide whether the item is still relevant and reasonably up-

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RFC 2007        Catologue of Network Training Materials     October 1996

   to-date.  Anything which is two or more years old requires careful

1.3     Is it easily available?

   Is there an established mechanism for obtaining it? This doesn't mean
   it has to be free.

2.      Submitting a new or revised template

   The template for inputting new entries to the catalogue is given in
   Appendix A. The prefered method of inputting new or updated
   information is via an HTML form accessible via the following URL:


   You will need to use a Web browser with forms capability. Input
   should be quite straightforward. There are drop-down menus to help
   with input to some fields.

   Alternatively, completed templates may be emailed to:


   This mailing list is a small closed 'review' group for deciding
   whether or not an item should be included in the catalogue.

   Please note that when you enter a new template you will be listed as
   the person responsible for the entry.

   The same procedures may be used by the person responsible for an
   entry, to update an existing entry.

3.      Notes on completing the various fields of the template

   The intention is to keep each entry reasonably short (and preferably
   not more than one page in length). Descriptions and other long fields
   should therefore be kept to a reasonable length. Note that fields
   continued on the next line should be indented by at least one white

   Each completed template is auto-allocated a "handle" to uniquely
   identify it.

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RFC 2007        Catologue of Network Training Materials     October 1996

3.1     Handle

   A unique identifier for the material at this source. This field is
   usually automatically generated and need not be entered when creating
   a new entry from the template.

3.2     Category

   "Category"  should be selected from the following set:

           User Guides
           Resource Guides
           Trainer Guides
           Presentation material
           Workshop Exercises
           Self-Paced material
           On-Line Collections

   Only user guides that are particularly useful in training should be

   Appropriate resource lists to include are lists assembled for
   training purposes and lists frequently used or referred to in

   Presentation material would include OHP masters, speaker's hand-outs
   and speaker's notes.

   Workshop exercises would include workshop hand-outs as well as
   detailed instructions for undertaking hands-on exercises.

   Self-Paced material would include online tutorials.

   Online Collections are useful lists of training materials.

3.3     Country

   The ISO two letter country code followed by the English words should
   be used. For example:
           US      - United States
           AU      - Australia

   A full list of these codes is available from:


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RFC 2007        Catologue of Network Training Materials     October 1996

3.4     Title

   This should be a short title for the item (90 characters or less).
   Longer titles may be included in the "Description" field.

3.5     Author-Name

   The name of the Author of the item should be ordered with the
   significant portion (for searching/sorting) first. For example:

           Isaacs, Margaret M.

3.6     Author-Email

   The email address of the author (if available) in RFC 822 format.
   For example:



3.7     Organization-Name

   The name of the organization to which the author belongs.

3.8     Organization-Address

   The address of the organization to which the author belongs. In
   general, this is the full postal address of the organization.

3.9     Audience-Level

   This is the level of the intended "audience" for the materials.  This
   is one of:


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RFC 2007        Catologue of Network Training Materials     October 1996

3.10     Language

   The language in which the item is written. This is the ISO 639 two
   letter code, followed by the english word for the language.  For

           EN - English

           EO - Esperanto

   A full list of these codes is available from:


3.11    Keywords

   A small set of keywords for the item.

3.12    Description

   A description of the item giving, where possible, its scope and
   intended audience. This could be an abstract. If a short form of the
   title was entered under "Title:", the long form of the title should
   be included here. Fields continued on the next line should be
   indented by at least one white space.

3.13    Contact-Name

   Name of the person who is the contact person for this item. (See also
   note 3.5)

3.14    Contact-Address

   Full postal address of the contact person.

3.15    Contact-Phone

   Telephone number of the contact person. This should be given in
   international format (ITU-T Recommendation E.123), for example:

           +44 171 732 8011

3.16    Contact-Email

   The email address of the contact person (if available) in RFC 822
   format.  (See note 3.6)

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RFC 2007        Catologue of Network Training Materials     October 1996

3.17    Latest-Revision-Date

   The date the item's content was last revised. This should be in the
   form: Month year, for example:

           September 1993

3.18    Cost

   This should be one of the following:

           Free for non-commercial use
           Cost Recovery

3.19    Access Type

   Access type is one of:

           other (specify)

   One or more of the access type sub-sections should be completed
   giving details of how to access the item.

3.20    Access-Email

   Additional information for a document accessible via Email. This is
   the email address of the mail server serving the item. It must be in
   RFC 822 format, for example:


3.21    Email-Command

   This is the command sent via email to retrieve the item. For example:


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RFC 2007        Catologue of Network Training Materials     October 1996

3.22    URL

   Additional information for a network accessible document. A URL
   (Uniform Resource Locator) is a standard way of describing its
   location and access method. This has been defined by the IETF. The
   easiest way of describing a URL is by a few examples:



   Note that when a URL spans more than one line, a space should be used
   as the continuation character.

3.23    LoginID

   For ftp access, this is the Login ID required if not anonymous.

3.24    Password

   The password required for non anonymous ftp access to the item.

3.25    File-Size

   The size of the item in kilobytes or pages. For example:


3.26    Content-Type

   The type or format of the  item. The appropriate MIME content type
   should be used, for example:


   A full list of these types is available from:


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RFC 2007        Catologue of Network Training Materials     October 1996

3.27    Requirements

   Short description of the additional requirements for using/viewing
   this item. For example, a CBL learning package might run only on a PC
   with a specific configuration.

3.28    Publisher-Name

   Additional information for a document available off-line. The name of
   the publisher. (See also note 3.5)

3.29    Publisher-Address

   The full postal address of the publisher.

3.30    Publisher-Phone

   The telephone number of the publisher. (See also note 3.15)

3.31    Publisher-Email

   The email address of the publisher (if available) in RFC 822 format.
   (See note 3.6)

3.32    Size

   Size of the publication in pages. For example, 230pp.

3.33    Reference

   The bibilographic reference of the publication, i.e. the ISBN for
   books or ISSN for serials.

3.34    Notes

   This is additional information related to the entry and the
   verification information.

   3.35    Record-Last-Verified-Date

   The date the item's contents were last verified. See note 3.16 on the
   date format.

3.36    Record-Last-Modified-Date

   The date this catalogue entry was last changed or modified. (See note
   3.17 on the date format.) This item is added automatically when using
   the form on the World Wide Web.

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RFC 2007        Catologue of Network Training Materials     October 1996

3.37    Record-Last-Modified-Name

   Name of the person last modifying the entry. (See also note 3.5)

3.38    Record-Last-Modified-Email

   The email address of the person last modifying the entry (if
   available) in RFC 822 format.  (See note 3.6)

3.39    Additional information sections

   In the additional information sections above, omit any data elements
   where no data exists.

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RFC 2007        Catologue of Network Training Materials     October 1996

Appendix C: A Summary of Related Mailing Lists

   Mailinglist-Name: NETTRAIN
   Administration: Auto subscriptions to:
           "subscribe NETTRAIN firstname lastname"

           Human Admin to:
   Description: Discussion list for librarians, computer support personnel,
           and all those who are involved in teaching others how to use
           Bitnet and Internet. Topics for discussion include such areas
           as: how to divide responsibility for teaching internetwork use;
           methods of teaching and resources used; and policies on access
           (faculty, student, staff) to the networks. NETTRAIN will also
           serve as a clearinghouse for Bitnet and Internet training
           materials developed in a variety of contexts and for a variety
           of needs. NETTRAIN is, therefore, intended for experienced
           users of Bitnet and Internet, *not* for beginners looking for
           help with basic questions.
   Archive: Normal "LISTSERV" monthly archive available via email.

   Mailinglist-Name: Network-training-tf: TERENA(RARE) ISUS Network
           Training Task Force
   Address: Network-training-tf@mailbase.ac.uk
   Administration: Auto subscriptions to:
                   "subscribe network-training-tf firstname lastname"

                   Human Admin to:
   Description: Working list for the TERENA(RARE) ISUS task force on
           Network Training.
   Archives: http://www.mailbase.ac.uk/lists-k-o/network-training-tf/
           Normal Mailbase monthly archives available via email

   Mailinglist-Name: USWG: IETF User Services WG mailing list
   Address: uswg@isi.edu
   Administration: uswg-request@isi.edu
   Description: General discussion list for the IETF User Services Working
           Group. The Network Training Materials Working Group reports to
           this group.
   Archive: Unknown

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RFC 2007        Catologue of Network Training Materials     October 1996

   Mailinglist-Name: WG-ISUS: TERENA(RARE) ISUS Working Group
   Address: wg-isus@rare.nl
   Administration: Auto subscriptions to:
                   "subscribe wg-isus firstname lastname"

                   Human Admin to:
   Description: General discussion list for the whole TERENA(RARE) ISUS
           (Information Services and User Support) Working Group. The
           Network Training task Force reports to this group.
   Archive: gopher://gopher.rare.nl/11/lists/wg-isus/archives
           Normal Mailserver monthly archives available via email

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